What Are The Different Types of Trees in Metairie, LA?
Located in the heart of Jefferson Parish, Metairie, Louisiana, is a vibrant city known for its unique combination of urban culture and natural beauty. One of the most striking aspects of Metairie's charm is its wide variety of trees that cover its streets, parks, and neighborhoods. These trees not only boost the city's aesthetic appeal, but also provide numerous practical benefits. In this article, we'll go over the different types of trees that call Metairie home, the diverse abundance of these trees makes this city truly special.
Southern Live Oak (Quercus Virginiana)
The Southern Live Oak is an iconic southern tree, and can be found all over Metairie LA, providing beauty and plenty of shade. The Live Oak is recognized by its dark green leaves and long reaching branches. This amazing tree is known for its longevity, and some live for several centuries. The southern oak is a symbol of strength and resilience and will keep standing even through hurricanes and other adverse weather conditions.

Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
Crepe Myrtles are an extremely common sight in Metairie LA and adds an abundance of color to the landscape they are in, especially during the summer months. These ornamental trees have beautiful delicate flowers available in various shades of pink, purple, white, and red. Crape Myrtles are a favorite among homeowners and landscapers. Due to the maintenance they require is relatively low.

Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Because Metairie is so close to the wetlands and swamps, this allows for the growth of the bald cypress trees, a unique and adaptable tree. Most of the time bald cypress trees are found in marshy areas, where their distinctive "knees" rise above the surface of the water. Bald cypress trees not only serve as a habitat for various wildlife, but also contribute to the city's resistance to flooding by absorbing excess water during heavy rains. Most home owners will complain about the cypress “Knees” because they are an inconvenience when cutting the grass. However, most lawn care services are equipped to cut around these “knees”.

Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)
Pecan trees are not only prized for their delicious nuts, but also for their shade and aesthetic appeal. Pecan Pie is a staple of Louisiana culture and couldn’t be made without the nuts from this gorgeous tree. The large canopy of a mature pecan tree can provide a cool area of shade from the sun on a hot Louisiana afternoon. These trees are common in residential areas and parks and are usually only found in the south.

Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)
The magnolia tree is quite large and with bright green leaves and beautiful, fragrant flowers. This tree is the state tree of Louisiana and is another symbol of Louisiana culture. The residents of Metairie are fortunate to have these beautiful trees among their landscapes, adding a touch southern charm to the city. The magnolia tree has a distinctive scent and beautiful flower blooms make it a favorite among residents and tourists.

Sweet olive (Osmanthus fragrans)
The sweet olive tree, or also known as the aromatic olive tree, is a small evergreen tree that puts off an extremely sweet fragrance when it blooms. The tiny white flowers of this tree may go unnoticed when you first look at it, but you will defiantly notice the fragrance from them. Many Metairie landscapes feature sweet olive trees because of their aromatic appeal.

Sycamore trees are known for their enormous dimensions and the distinctive bark. The bark of a Sycamore tree looks like it is peeling off in patches and sometimes gets all over the ground. These trees thrive when they are located next to water or in urban parks. The sycamore tree is found all over Metairie LA and provides its residence with precious shade from the Louisiana heat. Their unique appearance makes them easy to spot in Metairie's Landscape.

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
Red maples are a sight to behold. This tree’s beauty is at its peak in autumn when their leaves turn vibrant shades of red and orange. These trees don’t get too large are found throughout Metairie and provide a seasonal color display during the fall season. Many residents love this tree because of its changing leaves that signifies the cooler temperatures of fall.

Conservation of Metairie’s Trees
Metairie's tree population is a testament to the city's commitment to preserving its natural heritage. As we continue to appreciate the different types trees that are located in Metairie’s landscape, we need to also recognize the importance of preserving and caring for these natural beauties. Through conservation efforts we can ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty and benefits of Metairie's magnificent trees.
Metairie, Louisiana, lucky to have such an abundance of trees that contribute to its natural beauty. From the strong, but beautiful southern oak to the delicate flowers of the Crepe Myrtle, these trees make up the beauty of Metairie’s Landscape. They also provide shade, improve air quality, support wildlife and contribute to the overall well-being of the community. As we continue to care for and protect these trees, we recognize the community's connection to nature and its commitment to preserving its natural heritage. If you are located in Metairie, LA and are trying to help preserve its natural beauty. Please contact a local tree service to take care of the trees in your yard.
Metairie, Louisiana, lucky to have such an abundance of trees that contribute to its natural beauty. From the strong, but beautiful southern oak to the delicate flowers of the Crepe Myrtle, these trees make up the beauty of Metairie’s Landscape. They also provide shade, improve air quality, support wildlife and contribute to the overall well-being of the community. As we continue to care for and protect these trees, we recognize the community's connection to nature and its commitment to preserving its natural heritage. If you are located in Metairie, LA and are trying to help preserve its natural beauty. Please contact a local tree service to take care of the trees in your yard.